Feature Film, Germany 2014, 92 minutes
BERLINALE 2014 / Forum
World Sales: Alpha Violet
Agnes, a teacher from the German province Hesse, comes to Berlin to identify a dead girl. The police suspect she is Agnes’ fifteen-year-old daughter Lydia, who has run away from home. But she is not. Agnes decides to stay in Berlin, driven by the hope of finding her daughter. A desperate search begins that takes her to railway missions, junkie hangouts and homeless shelters – places Agnes fears and would usually avoid. The worst part is not knowing. Ines has been living in Berlin for years: on the street or with people who offer her shelter. She claims to be a painter, but is actually a cunning social parasite. One night, the two women’s paths cross. From that point on, Ines clings to Agnes’ side. She infiltrates the older woman’s life as though it were her own. Agnes yields to the young woman’s forceful ways. This stranger seems outlandish, bewildering and menacing, yet somehow familiar. The two women develop a peculiar relationship based on attraction and repulsion. Agnes becomes confused and disoriented. Where did Ines come from and why did she come to her? Is there a link between this stranger and her daughter? Should Agnes continue searching for Lydia? Why does Agnes not show Ines the door? Agnes is faced with a difficult decision.
Corinna Kirchhoff
Kathleen Morgeneyer
Hermann Beyer
Sculptor Madsen
Lars Mikkelsen
Employee at Car Rental
Hans Jochen Wagner
Fabian Hinrichs
Head of Railway Mission
Peter Kurth
Social Worker at Klik Ole
Matthias Matschke
Hakuo Tanaka
Hiroki Mano
Julija Irina Potapenko
Dzamilja Sjöström
Producer, Screenplay, direction
Maria Speth
DoP & Screenplay
Einhold Vorschneider
Maria Speth, Gergana Voigt
Ulrike Müller
Set design
Olivier Meidinger
Birgitt Kilian
Johannes Grehl
Sound Mixing
Denis Sechaud
Assistant director
Lisa Hauss
Production Management
Sabina Belcher
Commissioning Editor (ZDF)
Claudia Tronnier
Commissioning Editor ZDF – ARTE
Anne Even Doris Hepp
Commissioning Editor ARTE
Barbara Häbe