Directed by Henrika Kull, Feature Film, Germany 2018, 83 minutes
Produced by Henrika Kull, Sophie Lakow, Carolina Steinbrecher
Berlin International Film Festival 2018 / Panorama
Berlin, 2018. Maryam lives an independent life as a divorced mother of three girls. A coincidental encounter with Jibril, who is serving time in prison and whom she barely knows, makes her aware of what she's been missing in her life. Maryam and Jibril elope in an ardent love affair. In meantime, she is dealing with everyday life - at work and at home with her children. The two of them are in search of happiness and grapple with the ideals and projections of themselves. In their yearning for one another, they attempt to fill an inner void. The affection they draw from one another turns into the measurement of their self-esteem...

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