A film by Rafi Pitts
A film by Rafi Pitts
Feature film, Germany/France/Mexico 2016, 120 minutes
BERLINALE 2016 / Competition
World Sales: The Match Factory
>Nero is running in the desert. He is trying to escape. He is running from the U.S. border patrol. He is captured. Nero is a 19-year-old deported Mexican. After several attempts Nero finally manages to return and make his way back into the Promised Land. He follows the trail of his hometown, Los Angeles, to find his older brother Jesus. Jesus has set himself up in a new life, living with a girl named Mercedes. Nero begins to realize that as an illegal immigrant, his chances of leading a regular life will not be easy to come by. In an ultimate attempt to escape his desperate reality, Nero decides to enlist in the U.S. Army as a “Green Card Soldier”, a short cut to citizenship. Nero is lost in a maze, a desolate landscape, where the boundaries between the immigrant in uniform and the U.S. soldier are difficult to perceive. Although it soon becomes clear that while a soldier fights for a nation, the Green Card Soldier, Nero, fights to obtain his identity… SOY NERO.
Roy Andersson
Roy Andersson
Pernilla Sandstörm
István Borbás, Gergely Pálos
Production Company
Roy Andersson Filmproduktion AB